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PES 2015 SweetFx Settings

PES 2015 SweetFx Settings

Installation:Put all the files in your main pes dir. Make sure to enable Ambient Occlusion, Ansiotropic Filtering and 2x sparse grid supersampling via nvidia inspector.
If you can, use nvidia dsr or gedosato for downsampling as well.
Other mods used in the pics: rainy crowd by me, pitch by pesmonkey and pte patch.

That should be all you need to get the same result you see in the images.
Last thing, I made this sweetfx based on my TV. I have a calibrated movie setting running on it, so you may need to tweak the saturation level to match your monitor config…
uploaded zippyshare mirrorcreator
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Item Reviewed: PES 2015 SweetFx Settings Rating: 5 Reviewed By: LOLG